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Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

In today’s fast-paced business world, a centralised system is essential. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, an innovative cloud ERP solution for SMBs, automates and streamlines processes, enabling better business management.

It serves as an organisation’s digital backbone, offering a 360-degree view of their operations. With its user-friendly interface and seamless integration with Microsoft 365 and Power BI, Business Central empowers efficient teamwork and collaboration.

There’s no better time to sell Dynamics 365.

What is Business Central?

Business Central is a powerful and versatile business management solution designed to empower organisations of all sizes to streamline operations, enhance productivity, and make better-informed decisions.

This comprehensive cloud-based software platform offers a wide range of integrated tools and features that span financial management, supply chain management, sales, customer service, and beyond. Whether your customers are small startups or large enterprises, Business Central provides the flexibility and scalability needed to adapt to changing business needs and drive growth.

Why sell Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central?

Selling Business Central provides lucrative opportunities for MSPs, offering recurring revenue, portfolio expansion, and the chance to provide valuable business solutions to customers. It also aligns with the growing trend of businesses adopting cloud-based ERP solutions for their operations.

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High Demand

There is a growing demand for comprehensive business management solutions among businesses of all sizes. Companies are increasingly seeking cloud-based ERP solutions like Business Central to streamline their operations and stay competitive.

Recurring Revenue

Selling Business Central can provide a consistent source of recurring revenue for MSPs. The subscription-based model offers ongoing revenue streams, making it a predictable source of income.

Expanding Portfolio

Adding Business Central to your portfolio allows you to diversify your offerings. This, in turn, can attract a wider range of customers and make your services more appealing to existing customers looking for a one-stop shop for their technology needs.

Customer Retention

By offering Business Central, MSPs can enhance customer retention. Providing a robust, integrated ERP solution helps customers improve efficiency and productivity, making them less likely to switch providers.

Microsoft Partnership

Microsoft is a trusted and established brand in the tech industry. Being associated with Microsoft can lend credibility to your MSP business, making it easier to win the trust of potential clients.


Business Central is highly scalable, which means it can cater to businesses of various sizes. As your customers grow, the solution can grow with them, ensuring a long-term partnership.

Elevated Service Level

Implementing and managing Business Central requires a certain level of expertise. By offering this service, MSPs can showcase their technical skills and provide a higher level of service to customers.

Training Opportunities

Selling Business Central can lead to training opportunities for your team. Microsoft offers a range of training and certification programs for partners, helping your staff become more proficient in the technology.

Cross-Selling Opportunities

Business Central can be integrated with other Microsoft products and services, such as Microsoft 365 and Power BI. This creates cross-selling opportunities, allowing you to offer more comprehensive solutions to your customers.

Business Insights

Business Central provides powerful analytics and reporting capabilities. MSPs can use this data to offer valuable insights to customers, helping them make informed decisions and further solidifying their role as a trusted technology partner.

Products and features

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Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Essentials:

Business Central Essentials provides a wide range of operational and management capabilities, including:

  • Financial Management
  • Human Resources Management
  • AI-Supported Forecasting
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Project Management
  • Supply Chain Management
  • E-Services
  • Warehouse Management and Inventory
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Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Premium:

Business Central Premium is licensed by the assigned user and includes all Essentials license capabilities plus Service Order Management and Manufacturing.

Key capabilities

Scale and perform as you grow using modern technologies built on the Microsoft Cloud.
Access business intelligence when and where you need it, with real-time dashboards and KPIs, drive continuous process optimisation and automate your workflows to work smarter and faster.
Financial insights
Take control of financial insights, connect reports, charts, and Power BI data from critical departments of your business to get accurate insights and make financial decisions with confidence.
Sales processes
Keep track of customer interactions and get guidance on the best upsell, cross-sell, and renewal opportunities throughout your sales cycle.
Contact Center
Customer service
Scale and perform as you grow using modern technologies built on the Microsoft Cloud.
Access business intelligence when and where you need it, with real-time dashboards and KPIs, drive continuous process optimisation and automate your workflows to work smarter and faster.
Supplier engagement
Take control of financial insights, connect reports, charts, and Power BI data from critical departments of your business to get accurate insights and make financial decisions with confidence.
Warehouse management
Keep track of customer interactions and get guidance on the best upsell, cross-sell, and renewal opportunities throughout your sales cycle.
Optimise manufacturing outputs
Produce within supply and capacity restraints and implement manufacturing processes according to plan, even in agile and complex environments.

Sell Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central with intY

Reselling Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central through Microsoft’s Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) program gives MSPs access to incentives and sales enablement resources, but it isn’t always an easy feat selling on your own. That’s where we come in.

By partnering with intY, we can help provide guidance and resources for deployment and implementation, helping you become a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central expert in your own right.

Ready to add Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central to your portfolio?

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